Learn how to be a better Good Samaritan for pets at the Sunbear Squad web site.

5 Simple Things

Make these your "animal policies"

The most profound changes are the ones that you resolve quietly, in thought, honoring our creator. Think about these 5 simple things that you can do to help relieve animal suffering, and the essence of loving kindness will shine in your heart. Make them are your personal or family "animal policies." (Everyone should have them.) Remember, the "u" in humane means you.

  1. Be a totally faithful and loving parent to your own "fur family." You have more influence than you know. Your high standards for pet care will influence your friends and family to be better pet parents, too. Spay or neuter your pets, train your young pets well, and care tenderly for your elderly pets. It's not always easy or inexpensive, but it's always the right thing to do.
  2. Train yourself to be alert to pet suffering as you travel through your days. Remember, you might be the only lifeline for that injured or neglected companion or domesticated animal. Be a Good Samaritan. You will find the courage, if you just take the first little step.
  3. Share a small portion of your pocketbook with your regional humane society or animal shelter. Consider giving small gifts regularly in memory of fur family members who have passed on. You'll feel the love every time you lick the envelope.
  4. Hand out completed Sunbear Squad Wallet Cards to your family and friends. Then they'll be prepared to call for help, if they find a strayed, abused, or injured pet. You've helped make helping more convenient and timely.
  5. Be cruelty-free by purchasing products that are not made by torturing animals.
    Avoid all fur-trimmed products no matter how small. Fur farmers in some parts of the world skin animals alive to maintain fur quality, and many of these pathetic animals are actually dogs and cats; their fur is later intentionally mislabeled as other fur to bypass American fur import restrictions. HOW TO IDENTIFY real fur: separate the hairs to look closely at the base. It should look like fabric. Also, the hairs will have blunt tips, not tapered.
    Purchase personal care products that are not tested on animals. Read labels; these products are becoming more widely available. Even large discount stores will carry some animal-safe products now. It might cost a bit more, but you won't be putting your money in the hands of research laboratories that use animals to test products.

Read our Bill of Rights for Pets...

...for a thoughtful look at your role as a pet owner and guardian.

A Prayer for Animals

Hear our humble prayer, O God, for our friends, the animals, especially for the animals who are suffering; for any that are hunted or lost or deserted or frightened or hungry; for all that must be put to death.

We entreat for them all thy mercy and pity, and for those who deal with them we ask a heart of compassion and gentle hands and kindly words. Make us, ourselves, to be true friends to animals and so to share the blessings of the merciful.

Dr. Albert Schweitzer